We all read a lot about there supposedly not being much variety in restaurants in this area. 
“There’s too much this..there’s too much that” it’s a familiar argument.
If you just sit and think,you’ll realize that there is plenty of variety. We just have to be willing to see it.

If you think that there’s too many Mexican restaurants,that’s all you see. Too many pizza places. That’s all you’ll see.
It’s all about perspective and being willing to try something new that we’ve never tried before.
If you expand your foodie horizons a bit,you may find that you’ll end up with some new favorites.

Do yourself a favor and go online and look up the menus of a few restaurants that you might not have thought of ever going to.
I’ve done this myself and what I’ve found is that there is at least one or two dishes on these menus that sound good,so I’ll go there and find that it’s delicious.
So,what I end up with is a favorite dish at a restaurant that i might have ignored before thinking all they had was food that I wouldn’t like.

So,again..expand your horizons and find that new favorite. You might just be glad that you did!